A detailed chronicling of before, during and after my study abroad experience in Amsterdam and Switzerland.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Domain Analysis Method

For my site of domain analysis, I chose to focus on the UW Waterfront Activities Center. I started with the semantic relationship of strict inclusion of the form X is a kind of Y. I began with the analytic term casual participant, in which I meant all those that looked to have a goal of relaxation or the intention to utilize the WAC's facilities. Using this semantic relationship, I came up with some included terms, such as children, parents, college students, pets.

Using the cover term "problem" as described in the Spradley reading, I came up with another set of included terms. This was a similar situation to the doctor's office, because in both situations, there were sparse resources with a lot of people waiting to use them. In the doctor's office, the sparse resource is the doctors, where the WAC had sparse resources due to many more people wanting to use canoes than they had available. The result of both situations is a lot of people sitting around waiting. So this problem of waiting is one of the included terms.

Coping with the heat also seemed to be a problem. This was manifested in people migrating from sunny areas to shaded areas, people removing articles of clothing, and people applying sunblock. Also because the wait was so long, hunger seemed to be a problem for people as they would leave and come back with food.


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